Erin Nicole Licata - MS, RDN

Erin Nicole LIcata - MS RDN
Erin Nicole LIcata - MS RDN

Erin is a Registered Dietitian; with a passion for helping others achieve a balance between achieving and following a healthy lifestyle and living. She began her career at the Nutrition Clinic and Sol Stone Center, a partial hospitalization and outpatient program for individuals with eating disorders in Elmira, NY. Erin helped to develop a successful program which allowed individuals to reemerge back into healthy living outside of treatment by teaching them coping mechanisms and healthy choices. Erin continues this philosophy with her clients at Nutrition Energy, and works with individuals to help streamline everything from meal prep and smart snacking, to grocery shopping and eating out. In addition to her work at Nutrition Energy, Erin also works as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at The New Jewish Home in Manhattan. She spends her days counseling both patients with health conditions including diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases and helping individuals develop a better relationship with food and their bodies. She is also a team member of the accredited Comfort Matters Program through Caring Kind of New York City where she provides meaningful interactions between elders with dementia and food, including sensory integration to encourage a more enjoyable experience during meal times. 


  • Master of Science in Dietetics from the State University of New York College at Oneonta
  • Bachelor of Science in Dietetics with a minor in complementary and alternative health practices from San Jose State University
  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
  • Level I and Level II weight management certificate from the Commission of Dietetic Registration
  • Active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Growing up in Santa Cruz, CA Erin was surrounded by the outdoors and would be found either surfing, biking or playing sports. She began playing tennis and softball competitively at the age of 8 and by the time she had finished high school, had traveled throughout California with three different teams playing in over 200 softball tournaments. It was during that time that Erin found her passion for nutrition. She began to make the connection between food and optimal performance and was fascinated by both the discoveries she made, and results she and her clients achieved. Erin enjoys any opportunity to travel the world, emerging herself into different cultures and meeting new people. Erin lives by the words “love the life you live” and enjoys spending time with her friends trying out new restaurants, art galleries and all that New York City has to offer. You can find her biking around Central Park, getting lost in a French Impressionist painting at The MET or sweating it out in a barre/yoga class.


Erin believes that all foods can be consumed in moderation and that diets are never the answer: while sustainable lifestyle change is. Erin understands the fast paced lifestyles of New Yorkers, and the pressure that holds when making food choices. Each of her nutrition and fitness plans are individualized as she encourages her clients to look within to discover their connections between their food choices, lifestyle and nutrition goals. Erin treats her clients as teammates and emphasizes the importance of working together to strategize goals that work best for their body and individual nutrition needs. Open communication is key and Erin fosters a judgment free environment. She understands and empathizes with the fact that we are all humans who experience setbacks and sometimes you have to take a step back to make a step forward.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro

Our Dietitians

Lauren Antonucci MS RDN CSSD CDE CDN
Days: T/W/Th/F

Days: W/Th

Vanessa Chalmé RDN
Days: T/W

Erin Nicole Licata MS RDN
Days: M/T/W/Th

Jessica Zinn MS RDN CDN
Days: T/Th

Erin's Schedule:

 Mondays: 4:00pm-8:00pm
 Tuesdays: 7:00am-11:00am
 Wednesdays: 4:00pm-8:00pm

 Thursdays: 7:00am-11:00am